January 29, 2017
Switching it up, this newsletter covers a fortnight’s worth of stuff.
“I think the major fear isn’t achieving full automation. If we could just flip a switch where every job was automated that would be amazing and benefit everyone. The problem is that this will be (is) a long drawn out process where some people will be replaced by machines and be left with no alternatives much sooner than everyone else. The question is how can society provide for those people while simultaneously still maintaining incentive for the more capable to continue contributing to society through work.” - Promethei2 on the Reddit discussion of Obama’s last interview
Interview with the ‘Godfather’ of Neural Networks
“but some sections of note include a section where NHTSA notes that crash rates involving Tesla cars have dropped by almost 40 percent since the wide introduction of Autopilot.”
“Here’s a solution that could tackle two of the West’s most urgent problems: a young generation priced out of affordable housing, and the loneliness and isolation of a rapidly ageing population.”
In hopes of creating better access to medical care, Stanford researchers have trained an algorithm to diagnose skin cancer.
“The bot gets better and better every day,” said Chou in a Carnegie Mellon statement. “It’s like a tougher version of us.”
Thanks for reading! If you have any comments, questions or feedback please get in contact. Have a nice Sunday.
I'm Henry Moulton, a software design and development freelancer living in London, UK.
My portfolio will be online soon.